Sunday, August 23, 2015

christmas tree

Yesterday I went to a memorial service for a friend who passed away after his cancer treatment from an infection in his blood. He died while recovering from cancer.

He called his iv tower the tree of life. I used to call mine the christmas tree. I suppose they are the same thing... a Christmas Tree is to celebrate the life of Christ & the tree of life for Paul was life giving as he was a man of DEEP faith in God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus.

This made me think of what cancer treatment does do your body and spirit. Those of us fighting, as well as our families, often have our faith renewed, created, and or tested. It is SO HARD to think that GOD would want anyone to go through the PAIN of cancer treatment. I have spent a lot of time pondering this.... as I experience GREAT physical pain during cancer treatment and my family experienced GREAT mental anguish worrying about me dying.

WHAT AM I getting at???

The simply point of this blog is to ask for PATIENCE for those of us who have been diagnosed with cancer. The anxieties do not just go away after treatment ends.... I myself am 4 years 2 months out of treatment and was crying like a baby after reading my the medical leave benefits for my job!  I wasn't planning on crying, trust me!

My christmas tree was an iv tower hooked into my double my "iv tower" or christmas tree is a SOLID belief that there is a power greater than myself, I call God, and I have guardian angels looking out for me all the time.

What is your "Christmas Tree"??

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