Saturday, October 16, 2021

Shout Out

 I would like to take a moment to give a shout out to those who are currently fighting melanoma.

I understand your fear. I understand your sleepless nights. I understand how hard it is to talk to your children, your partner, and friends about your illness. Sometimes it feels like your entire life breathes and sleeps cancer. I want to give you a hug and let you know that there are many of us who have been there. There are many of us who have survived the odds. 

I had a 5% chance of living 5 years and here I am!

I am so sorry you are facing melanoma and people say "isn't that just skin cancer?" 

I am so sorry you worry about your next scans & worry about any bumps or new spots every time you look in the mirror.

STAY STRONG and Surround yourself with a team and LET THEM help you. This is no time to be tough and face cancer alone. And when someone asks you "what can I do?" Ask for help with chores, yes please help me with laundry, or yes please make a meal for my family. 

And remember... There is a community of Melahomies out here rooting for you, praying for you and WE UNDERSTAND, we have been there. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021


 It has been 10 years since I returned home from the fight of my life. 10 years since I had active metastatic melanoma. I am blessed. I am beyond lucky!  I am getting the opportunity of planning my daughter's wedding. Life is GOOD.

It never escapes me that not everyone is so lucky. Not everyone makes it through a stage 4 melanoma diagnosis.  Melanoma is called the black beast for a reason. It has an extremely scary rate of reoccurrence. Melanoma likes to come back. In short, it is a sneaky bastard.

Those of us who fight it, fight like hell and never forget the battle. We remind others of the dangers of tanning. People begin to forget that we almost died and we watch family and friends discuss tanning on social media and cringe. 

We will never stop sharing about the dangers of melanoma. 

This day, June 8th, 2021, I say NEVER GIVE UP and know that others have fought and beat the beast. We are out here and we send love and prayers to the fighters and their families. And above all else, we are grateful for our doctors and nurses and our all those who stood by us as we fought.