Friday, June 24, 2016


Surviving cancer does not always mean what we think it does. As I celebrate the success of the AIM walk and being 5 years NED, a sweet melahomie of mine is now in hospice care.  Sometimes "surviving" cancer is leaving a sick body behind and becoming an angel. I have tears rolling down my face and have had a night full of tossing and turning wondering WHY?

WHY am I here and others are facing the end of their fight with a forever good bye to their families?

It reminds me that this fight is not over and everyday is a day to show others you care and to live life to its fullest. Everyday someone is struggling with cancer, and not every survivor stays in their earthly body.

When I first came out of treatments and it was apparent to me that surviving meant breathing and working and living, I was angry.  I was angry that others did not seem to see how precious life is and how everyday is a gift. After a while, survivor guilt lessened and I got back to life as "normal."

While my new normal involves worrying about every ache and pain and wondering if the cancer is back.  I do not wish this on anyone.

It is seems so unfair that so many did not make it...  others are fighting SO HARD!

THAT IS WHY is it SO IMPORTANT to tell others that  melanoma is so much more than "JUST SKIN CANCER!!"  It is a BEAST and KILLS.  A simple sunburn can turn into so much more.... time in a tanning bed can KILL YOU!  There is NO SUCH thing as a SAFE TAN or a BASE TAN!!

GET the word out!!! GET YOUR SKIN CHECKED!! 
Please share all of these links and spread the word about MELANOMA being a KILLER!!

Friday, June 17, 2016


On June 5th, 2016 we had the first AIM @ Melanoma walk in Laguna Niguel, SoCAL. 
It was amazing!  I was so proud of all the people who came out to support melanoma fighters!  

When I went home after the walk, my heart overflowed with LOVE and HAPPINESS.

Despite the hard ships that CANCER had caused in all our lives, we stood STRONG together and made a difference in the lives of others with our donations of $$ & time as each step was dedicated to CURING melanoma. 

If you are newly diagnosed... please know that the road to recovery is one that takes time but CAN BE DONE!  I am proof that people beat this beast!!  There are so many of us out here, fighting for a CURE but supporting the researchers and doctors.  WATCH out MELANOMA, YOU ARE GOING DOWN!!


Friday, June 3, 2016

Honoring Angels

Sunday will be the first annual AIM @ Melanoma walk in Laguna Niguel, CA. I am so proud to have the opportunity to bring together so many wonderful people to make this a successful event!

AIM Walk

Melanoma has affected too many lives, mine is one of those.

Late 2010, I had a huge tumor growing in my l
left armpit. By the end of the year it was diagnosed as stage IV melanoma. It was my 2nd time being diagnosed with melanoma... the 1st time was in 2000 when I had a stage 1 melanoma removed from my arm.  THAT's right, it came back after 10 years.

I fought HARD with 5 rounds of biochemotherapy. (This is equivalent to 2 years of chemo in 5 months & 2 immunotherapy drugs all administered in a hospital.)  After surgery in May of 2011, to remove the dead tumor, I was declared cancer free, or as we say in the world of melanoma, NED ( No Evidence of Disease). I was a miracle & here I am 5 years later!


I am dedicating Sunday's walk to those who are fighting and those who passed as we have many new angels from our melanoma community. It IS a battle we can win on our lifetime, the battle against melanoma and all cancers.  

See you SUNDAY!