Sunday, October 5, 2014

Dear Melanoma

This week our melanoma community lost 1 more.  Those of us who have survived the unthinkable, the "go home and get your affairs in order," the HORRIBLE diagnosis of melanoma, often wonder, why me & not them???

That my friend is not up to us... that is up to God. Why am I here?  Why is she not here?  Brandi fought as brave as I did and longer. Brandi :

I did not meet Brandi or even communicate via all our wonderful technological ways of meeting people, but I knew her.  I knew her FIGHT all too well. I knew she was up against a BEAST. Melanoma is called a beast because it often does respond to traditional methods of treating cancer, ie. chemotherapy.  It does whatever it wants... 

Well.... F-You MELANOMA!! I HATE YOU!! I hate that this beautiful young woman and so many other people are dying because of you!! I hate that my insurance company doesn't seem to take it serious that I had stage IV melanoma only 3 1/2 years ago and won't allow my pet/scan.  I HATE CANCER.

That is all from my work today.... I wanted to put it out to the cyber world HOW FRUSTRATING it is that melanoma took someone else. I refuse to say she lost her battle... Brandi is in heaven and no longer has pain.  Bless HER FAMILY.  

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