Saturday, October 16, 2021

Shout Out

 I would like to take a moment to give a shout out to those who are currently fighting melanoma.

I understand your fear. I understand your sleepless nights. I understand how hard it is to talk to your children, your partner, and friends about your illness. Sometimes it feels like your entire life breathes and sleeps cancer. I want to give you a hug and let you know that there are many of us who have been there. There are many of us who have survived the odds. 

I had a 5% chance of living 5 years and here I am!

I am so sorry you are facing melanoma and people say "isn't that just skin cancer?" 

I am so sorry you worry about your next scans & worry about any bumps or new spots every time you look in the mirror.

STAY STRONG and Surround yourself with a team and LET THEM help you. This is no time to be tough and face cancer alone. And when someone asks you "what can I do?" Ask for help with chores, yes please help me with laundry, or yes please make a meal for my family. 

And remember... There is a community of Melahomies out here rooting for you, praying for you and WE UNDERSTAND, we have been there.