Hey you.... the one sitting on the bench enjoying the warm afternoon sunshine. Where are your sunglasses? Where is your hat? How can you lean back and close your eyes while sitting right in the direct sun?? I am JEALOUS of you!
Unlike you, I worry about each minute I am in the sun without a hat or sunglasses or sunscreen. I am aware that last week I spent about 24 minutes in direct sunlight without my hat. EXTREME??
If you are new to my story, in the fall of 2000, I had a small and malicious "freckle" removed off my left forearm. This "freckle" was melanoma and resulted in a lymph node biopsy. LUCKILY, at that time, there was no more cancer in my system. My stage I diagnosis remained stage I for 10 years. Then, fall of 2010, a tumor began growing in my left armpit. It became the size of a grapefruit and by Christmas of 2010 I was officially stage IV metastatic melanoma ... with 4-6 months to live. With some divine intervention, I found the Angeles Clinic in Santa Monica, and Dr. Hamid. He experimented with my treatment and prescribed biochemotherapy. After 5 rounds I was bald, skinny, but ALIVE. I am currently 6 years No Evidence of Disease.
The treatment was extremely difficult and throughout this time we were not sure I would survive.
OK, back to the sun....
Do you sit outside with no worries?? I am jealous of you. No worries about the sun. I wish I were you.
The truth about the dangers of the sun:
I live with the fear of melanoma returning always. I am currently N.E.D., but my melahomies know.... this disease is sneaky and heartless. It can come back at anytime....
SO, get the right info and protect yourself from the sun.